Category: Creativity

Holy, Holy, Holy (A New Song and How I Made It)

For this song I wanted to include sounds from everyday life. Sounds of nature, my daughter and her toys—everyday, ordinary things. If we keep our eyes and ears open, we can see examples of God’s holiness wherever we are

Album Artwork Preview

Here’s the amazing artwork done by one of my best friends, Nuree Kim. He did a superb job of matching my style and my vision for the album.

Wayne White

To Strive For Excellence In Every Work

I want to strive for excellence in everything I create. Not for my glory but to point people a beautiful story of redemption that is greater than any piece of art could convey.

Faith Needs Art

Faith Needs Art

Faith needs art. We need things to stir us. Does the art we make stir something deep inside? Is it for entertainment only? Do we create authentically?