Where All The Beauty Came From

There is a longing that has always burned deep in my soul. It is within us all…we have to quiet our souls to hear the whispers of God, to see His beauty.

“It was when I was happiest that I longed most…The sweetest thing in all my life has been the longing…to find the place where all the beauty came from.”

C.S. Lewis, Til We Have Faces

I spent all of last week camping out with 2 of my best friends. Everywhere I looked I saw the beauty of a Maker. The stars, moon, and night sky paint a better portrait than any human artist could create. Trees, stones, and water show the work of an impeccable designer.

Laying on my back, cold rocks pressing in my skin, I observed two shooting stars. Sitting by the crackling campfire, I pondered and discussed life’s biggest questions. Listening to the wind brush the branches of trees, I felt the power of invisible force.

There is a longing that has always burned deep in my soul. It is within us all, sometimes it just requires us to shut off the phone,

the email

the T.V

the distractions

and go outside.


We have to quiet our souls to hear the whispers of God. We have to still our bodies to feel a peace that comes from an immaculate Creator. We must open our eyes to the beauty all around us. We can’t miss the everyday signs that we have a purpose.

We were made by design. Designed by a Creator. We are not an accident. We are a beautiful work of art.

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