Pastor Schmastor

There are just so many perspectives people have with this title; so much baggage from whatever culture or church they come from. It is such a complex job title.

Today I got a haircut. Sometimes I dread this, not because I have some fear of getting a bad haircut but it’s the amount of awkward interactions that have taken place in hair salons. Stylists make small talk and they always begin it with one question, “where do you work?”

So, today I sat down and prepared for the question. “You off work today?” “Yes,” I reply. “What do you do for a living?” “I work at a church. I am a pastor.” There, I said it. I am a pastor. I anticipate what kind of reaction I will get this time.

Will she go with option A, discomfort? Those who choose option A tend to ignore me the rest of the time. Maybe she’ll go with option B, debate. Option B is my least favorite because people want to see where I stand on different issues, usually issues I could care less about. Instead she goes with option C, confession.

In the next 20 minutes she told me all about her marriage struggles, her husband’s attempt to record a Victoria’s Secret show, her retaliation of threatening to watch a Playgirl movie, and her husband’s alcohol addiction and what that has done to the family. I loved her honesty and the trust she gave me. I also love to listen and care for others, trying my best to encourage them.

Sometimes though, I just want a haircut.

Does a pastor have a special connection to God or more spiritual insight? The truth is a definite no. Does a pastor go through life looking down on others and passing out judgement to each person they come in contact with. Definitely not, at least I hope not.

There are just so many perspectives people have with this title; so much baggage from whatever culture or church they come from. It is such a complex job title.

Sometimes I wish I had a different title, something that said, “Yes, I do love Jesus and attempt to follow everything he does but no, I am not holier than you and I am not judging you.” It is a bit wordy but I like it.

What do you think of when you hear the word, “pastor.”

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